Red Clover is a wild and special medicinal flower which is commonly found on grasslands, meadows and verges in June and early July. It is flourishing now and if you see it - pick and dry it for herbal tea infusions or extract it as per the recipe below.

Red Clover is traditionally used as a blood and lymphatic cleansing herb, but now is most commonly used to balance female hormones, especially for women entering and going through the menopause.

Glass Jar

Handful of red clover flowers
Vodka for extraction

1. Add the fresh flowers to the glass jar and cover with vodka (I try to make sure the liquid is dense with the flowers to give a high potency extraction). Shake the jar every couple of days to ensure the flowers are evenly extracted and covered.
2. Wait for 2 weeks, strain the liquid and pour into an amber tincture bottle. Add a few drops to your water or herbal tea 3 times a day.