A truly tasty traditional Indonesian tonic combining turmeric, ginger and lime juice. It is consumed as a medicine to increase energy, reduce inflammation, boost the immune system and to enhance circulation. You can drink this as a shot, or as a delicious addition to your Ginger or Citrus Hops kombucha. Or even warm it up adding a little water for a soothing evening drink.

1 cup fresh turmeric
1/2 cup fresh ginger
1L water
1/2 cup honey
Juice of 2 limes

Peel and slice your ginger & turmeric before blending together with a little water to loosen the mixture.
Heat the mixture in a saucepan and simmer for 15 minutes.
Strain over a muslin.
Add your lime juice and honey. Stir to dissolve and leave to cool.
Keep refrigerated and use within a week.